ARCOR’s 70-Year Campaign Awarded at DIRCOMS

MileniumGroup Argentina joins the celebration for the awarding of the Arcor, 70 años mirando al futuro (Arcor, 70 years looking to the future) campaign at the #PremiosDIRCOMS2022, in the category External Communication: reputation, image, and public relations. For us, it was an honor to be one of the main agencies that took part -closely and comprehensively- in this very important and successful project.

Arcor is one of the most important business groups in Argentina, and one of the most prominent in Latin America. It specializes in the food industry, across three business divisions: mass consumption, agribusiness, and packaging. And after many decades of history, it celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2021 by launching a series of internal and external communication actions, seeking to highlight its trajectory, commitment, and development as one of the most important companies in the region.

MileniumGroup Argentina took its part in implementing some of the key actions of this great campaign, aiming to celebrate the firm’s seven successful decades in the market and to inspire its stakeholders to look to the future in the midst of a challenging context (which was still ongoing at that time).

Through two virtual events: one internal for the 12,000 employees (in Spanish and Portuguese); and one external for journalists, opinion leaders, shareholders, and community leaders, displaying a close and human facet of the company’s role in the history of the region, in addition to the presentation of the people who work for it in different countries.

In addition, the communication and public relations work of MileniumGroup Argentina was based on arduous dissemination, in various and prestigious media, of the book “El Gen Empresarial” by Luis Pagani, president of this corporate group. On the other hand, interviews were also obtained in Tier1 and specialized media, regarding the company’s anniversary; At the same time, press kits were sent out to release more details about the campaign and planned activities.

On the other hand, a commemorative ebook was designed, full of photographs and illustrations, with a journey through the history of the company, as well as a description of the main activities that Arcor had for its anniversary and the results obtained.

Thus, through the collaboration of areas and professionals in institutional communication and marketing, press, and public affairs, Grupo Arcor successfully spread the look to the future that it had, from the outset, to transform a candy factory into a company able to cross borders.

Congratulations on this recognition!
